Hire Dedicated eCommerce

Elevate your business with Bizmia.
Hire developers for your tailored requirements aligning with your industry and company culture.

Transform Digitally

Hire our Engineers for Optimal Development and Expansion

Unlocking the Benefits of Employing Dedicated Development Teams

Transform Digitally - Hire Developers

Why Prefer Our Developers

Our developers seamlessly integrate into your team, ensuring cost-effective and impactful delivery

Hire a developer with diverse expertise to meet your specific needs

We're adept at bringing experienced, Dedicated Developers on board, matching the right-fit engineers to drive growth and overcome complex challenges with diverse technology expertise.

Our Engagement Models

Select the ideal model for your project and budget. Hire dedicated developers from our talented pool for successful outcomes.

hire full time

Staff Augmentation

Hire Dedicated Developers

Secure a devoted team wholly committed to your company's projects, ensuring daily progress reports for your business's triumph.

hire part time

Software Outsourcing

Project Based

Offload your software development process to us. Our skilled team, comprising developers, testers, designers, and engineers, is assembled based on your needs, ensuring project success.

dedivated teams

Dedicated Teams

Seamlessly Integrated

Outsource your required or specific engineering skills, providing seamless solutions, customized to your organizational needs.

Hiring Process

Hiring process to onboard new team members effectively.


Your Requirements

Tell us your needs and we’ll schedule a call and understand your requirements


Discovery Call

Discuss your project needs, timelines & budget to align best matching talent from our team.


Selecting Your Team

We select our best developers that aligns with your needs and culture.



Ready to onboard our developers with your team and scale as per project requirements.

Hiring Dedicated Developers from BIZMIA can Elevate your Business. How? Find out below.

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Hire Software Engineers

Are You Looking to Hire Remote Developers?


The process for hiring a full-time offshore software developer typically includes the following steps:

  • Initial consultation:

    We will do an initial consultation with you to understand your business needs, project requirements, and the skills and qualifications you are looking for in a developer.

  • Resume screening:

    We will screen resumes and portfolios of potential developer from our pool of internal resources to identify those who meet your requirements and have the necessary skills and qualifications.

  • Interviews:

    We conduct internal review with the shortlisted resources to further assess their skills and if they match perfectly on your requirements.

  • Technical evaluation:

    Before hiring a full-time developer in our team, we conduct technical evaluations, such as coding tests, to assess the candidates' technical abilities and ensure they are a good fit and have ability to match our requirements.

  • Reference check:

    Before hiring a full-time developer in our team, we also conduct reference checks with previous employers to verify the candidate's work experience and ensure they have a good track record.

  • Onboarding:

    Once we select a candidate who match your requirements, we will handle the onboarding process, which includes setting up communication channels and tools.

  • Continuous support:

    We will provide ongoing support and management to ensure the success of the developer on the project and within your team.

  • Performance evaluation and monitoring:

    We will monitor the developer's performance and conduct regular evaluations to ensure they are meeting your project requirements and expectations.

  • Bizmia has a strict vetting process for all potential developers that includes evaluating their technical skills, professional experience, and qualifications. We also conduct thorough background checks and reference checks. Additionally, we have a team of experienced technical managers who are responsible for regularly reviewing and evaluating the performance of our developers to ensure they meet our high standards of quality.

    We also provide ongoing training and development opportunities to our team to ensure they stay up to date with the latest technologies and industry best practices. Furthermore, we conduct regular code reviews and use various testing and quality assurance methods to ensure the deliverables meet the requirements and standards of our clients.

    Our company takes legal and compliance issues very seriously and ensures that all our offshore developers are fully compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.

    We also ensure that our developers are aware of and adhere to any data privacy and security laws that apply to their work.

    Our approach to communication and project management for offshore developers is twofold. First, we establish clear and consistent communication channels between the offshore developer, our project managers, and the client's team. This includes regular meetings, email updates, and real-time chat or video conferencing.

    Second, we utilize project management tools and software like Jira etc. to ensure that all tasks and deadlines are clearly defined and tracked. This allows for efficient and transparent collaboration between the offshore developer and the client's team, and ensures that all project goals and milestones are met. Additionally, our project managers provide guidance and support to ensure that the offshore developer has the necessary resources and information to complete their work.

    Our company has strict policies and procedures in place to ensure the protection of intellectual property and confidentiality for offshore development projects. We require all our developers to sign non-disclosure agreements and agreements regarding intellectual property rights before hiring and onboarding them in our company.

    Additionally, we have secure systems in place for communication and project management, including the use of encrypted messaging and file sharing platforms, to ensure that all data and information exchanged remains confidential. We also regularly review and update our security measures to ensure they follow the latest industry standards. We are committed to protecting the intellectual property and confidential information of our clients.

    The cost for hiring a full-time offshore developer can vary depending on several factors, such as the developer's level of experience, their specific skillset, and duration of the engagement etc. Hiring a full-time offshore developer can cost less than hiring a local developer due to the lower cost of living in some countries. You save 60-70%% of your cost by hiring a offshore developer as compare to local US based developer.

    However, it is important to note that there may also be additional costs associated with managing and communicating with a remote team. It is recommended to get a quote from our company for a more accurate estimate of the cost for hiring a full-time offshore developer for your specific project and needs. We are always open to discuss this with our client and find a way forward to work together and adjusts budgets.

    Our billing and payment process for offshore development projects is straightforward and transparent. We provide clients with a detailed invoice at the end of each month, outlining the hours worked by the developer. Our invoices can be paid via ACH or Checks in our banks in US.

    Yes, we provide the opportunity for our clients to interview and screen the developers before hiring them. This allows for a better understanding of the developer's skills, qualifications, and communication style, and ensures that they are a good fit for the specific project and company culture. This process also include video calls. Our team will work closely with you to coordinate and facilitate the interview and screening process to ensure a smooth and efficient experience.

    Yes, it is possible to hire multiple developers at once. We can provide you with a team of developers that meet your specific needs and requirements. During the hiring process, we will work with you to understand your project's scope, timeline, and technical requirements, and provide you with a team of developers that can effectively support your project.

    We will also provide you with the necessary tools and resources to manage the team, including communication channels, project management tools, and performance metrics.

    Yes, we understand that the needs of a project may change over time and are flexible in accommodating the developer's job description or role to adapt to the evolving needs of the project. We will work closely with you to ensure that the developer remains aligned with your project goals and that their skills are being fully utilized. However, please note that making significant changes to the job description or role may have an impact on the project timeline and cost. We will always be transparent and communicate any potential impact to you before making changes.

    Our company has a process in place for conducting performance evaluations and reviews for the offshore developers we staff. This process includes regular check-ins and progress updates with the client to ensure the developer is meeting their expectations and fulfilling their role.

    We also conduct performance reviews on a regular basis, where the developer's progress, accomplishments, and areas for improvement are discussed. Any issues or concerns can be addressed and resolved in a timely manner, and any necessary changes to the developer's job description or role can be made. Additionally, we encourage open communication between the client and the developer to ensure that both parties are satisfied with the engagement.

    Our policy on developer replacement or retention is to ensure that our clients are always satisfied with the performance and productivity of their offshore developers. We continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of our developers and address any issues that may arise promptly. If a developer is not meeting the expectations set forth in their job description or if they are not a good fit for the team or company culture, we will work with the client to for a replacement developer who is better suited for the role.

    We also have retention programs in place to keep our top developers engaged and motivated to continue working with our clients for the long-term. We understand that developer turnover can be disruptive and costly, so we take steps to minimize it as much as possible.

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