Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Optimal Team Size for Your Salesforce Commerce Cloud Project

Find out how to determine the perfect team size for your Salesforce Commerce Cloud project. Understand the balance between too few and too many team members to ensure efficiency, and quality.
September 23, 2023

Choosing the right team size for a Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) project is much like finding the perfect recipe for success. The temptation to equate a larger team with faster progress can be misleading. Striking the right balance—avoiding the pitfalls of too few team members, which may lead to slower development and a lack of specialized skills, while also steering clear of the complexities that come with an oversized team—is essential.

Importance of the Right Team Size

Choosing the right team size is crucial for successful Salesforce projects. Team size impacts not just budgets and timelines, but also operational effectiveness.

An oversized team elevates overheads: higher salaries, tool licenses, and software subscriptions. The hidden cost is in time and coordination; larger teams require more management and meetings, affecting agility.

On the other hand, a smaller team may seem budget-friendly but brings its own risks. Fewer people mean demanding a wider skill set from each member. This can slow development, introduce skill gaps, and make the project vulnerable to disruptions like sick leaves or sudden departures.

The Complexity of Larger Teams

Adding more people to a project may seem like a quick way to speed things up, but it often creates unexpected challenges. More team members lead to exponentially more lines of communication, complicating coordination.

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Increased complexity often results in slower decision-making due to prolonged discussions. This can cause “analysis paralysis,” where overthinking hampers action. A larger team is also more prone to duplicated efforts and mixed signals, leading to delays or conflicts.

Growing teams risk diluting individual responsibilities. In smaller settings, each member has distinct roles, fostering accountability. As the team expands, roles can blur, reducing individual accountability and ownership.

Factors to Consider

Scope of the Project

The first step in determining the ideal team size is evaluating the scope and complexity of your SFCC project. A simple eCommerce storefront may demand a smaller team, whereas a complex, feature-laden platform may call for more team members.

Specialization Needs

An SFCC project often involves a variety of skill sets, from front-end developers focused on the user interface to back-end specialists who handle server-side logic, and QA engineers responsible for testing. Each role adds a different dimension to the project and influences the overall team size.

Project Timeline

Urgent deadlines may make a larger team seem like the best choice, but it’s crucial to consider both the pros and cons of scaling up quickly. Adding more team members may speed up specific tasks but can also introduce complexities that slow down other processes.

Budget Constraints

Financial considerations are an unavoidable aspect of team sizing. A larger team will undoubtedly increase project costs, so make sure that you have the budget to sustain the team size you’re contemplating.

The Role of Agile Methodology

Agile methodologies are crucial in modern web development, especially for adapting to change and unpredictability in Salesforce Commerce Cloud projects. Agile’s key strength is adaptability, allowing quick pivots based on feedback or shifts in objectives.

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By using Agile methods like Scrum or Kanban, you create an environment for iterative progress and ongoing feedback. This lets you reassess and adjust team effectiveness regularly. If a sprint review reveals lagging tasks, you can reallocate resources or adjust team size to optimize productivity.

Agile promotes a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility, invaluable in complex projects. Daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives are platforms for clear communication, identifying bottlenecks, and problem-solving. Agile is an enabler for managing team sizes effectively, allowing dynamic adjustments while mitigating the complexities of larger teams.

Leveraging Remote Expertise: The Case for Outsourced Teams

In eCommerce development projects, geography matters less these days. When planning your Salesforce Commerce Cloud project, consider the benefits of a remote workforce.


Outsourced teams offer the ability to scale up or down, accommodating fluctuating project scopes and timelines.


Remote teams often reduce overhead, simplifying project budgeting.

Access to Specialized Skills

Remote providers offer a diverse talent pool, valuable for specific project needs.

Efficient Resource Allocation

By outsourcing tasks, your in-house team can focus on core competencies and strategy, optimizing resources.

Risk Mitigation

An outsourced team can buffer against unexpected events like employee turnover, keeping your project on course.

Enhanced Productivity

Well-managed remote teams can work around the clock due to varied time zones, helping to meet tight deadlines.

As you embark on your next Salesforce Commerce Cloud venture, these considerations will serve as valuable guides. They will help you build an effective, cohesive team tailored to the specific needs of your project, steering it towards success.

For instant access to top talent in Salesforce Commerce Cloud and related technologies, partner with Bizmia. Get in touch with us today to learn more.